Almanzo Race Roster
2013 Alexander
- 1.Jay Barre
- 2.Tim Bauer
- 3.Tim Bekke
- 4.Sally Bell
- 5.Seth Bell
- 6.James Bialis
- 7.Philip Carlton
- 8.Andrea Cohen
- 9.Don Daly
- 10.Jon Dicus
- 11.Ben Doom
- 12.Brian Dukek
- 13.Chuck Fritz
- 14.Drew Groff
- 15.Courtney Hilton
- 16.Mike Johnson
- 17.Lucy Kruesel
- 18.Zach Lamb
- 19.Jeffrey Loso
- 20.Joe Mann
- 21.Jon Marshall
- 22.Jessica Nadeau
- 23.Ian Nancekivell
- 24.Jason Novak
- 25.Jonas Nygard
- 26.Alex Oenes
- 27.Ben Oney
- 28.Tavia Parker
- 29.Martin Rudnick
- 30.Guy Still
- 31.Andy Tetmeyer
- 32.Patrick Tsai
- 33.Taylor Webb
- 34.Bill Webster
- 35.Lucas Winzenberg
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